Valentine Day Wishes for WhatsApp, FB & Instagram

Valentines Wishes, Messages and Quotes for Facebook, Instagram

Valentine is the one day that is celebrated by lovers on 14th February every year by couples, Girlfriend – Boyfriend, Husband – Wife, partners to express their feelings in many ways. It is the moment to celebrate the romantic moments and sending heart touching messages for their beloved. Gifting a red rose is the symbol of expressing love. As the interesting fact remains, it is said the first Valentine’s Day was celebrated in the year 496 AD which have originated from a Roman festival called Lupercalia.  

It is also called Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine. People sent greetings, date each other and present gifts in various forms. As history goes, it is said that Saint Valentine was imprisoned for performing the wedding of soldiers who were forbidden to marry by Roman law. Further legends tell Saint Valentine got back the sight of a blind daughter of the judge and was prosecuted because he wore her a letter signed “Your Valentine”. 

We know Lovebirds like you will be searching for quotes that touch the heart on this very day to say those  Golden words “Be my Valentine“ the perfect way to say I love you. Hence we have hereby shared some messages that you could share on Facebook or WhatsApp to show your affection. Whether you are searching for some cute quotes or sentimental message these Valentine Day one-liners will help you show your love.

  • Since school days I had a crush over you. Today I have gathered the courage to express my secret feeling saying this “Be My Valentines”. Message back if you feel the same LOVE as I do.
  • As a tree can’t live without its roots I can’t LIVE without your LOVE sweetheart. Accept a small diamond ring as a gift on this Valentines’ Day.
  • All I seek if your love forever and I want to take a leaf out of this book of life on 14th February this year to make it the most romantic moment. Happy Valentine to the Love of my LIFE.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to my handsome hunk. I am so lucky to have you like my boyfriend and want to spend every second, minute and hour with my Valentine – my precious gift.
  • If God asks me whom will I choose between your love and all the riches of this mortal world? I will choose you without the blink of my eye even in thousands of year both in this and that world. 
  • Hey, baby, you have stolen my heart and as a punishment, you will be my valentine forever from this 14 February. 
  • It is a mystery that hours spent with you fly like in seconds and being without you even a second feels like years have passed. I wish Jesus stops the time and sun stays still till we say those golden words “I LOVE YOU” and melt in each other. Happy Valentine’s Day to my cutest doll/boy.
  • On this Valentine’s Day, I give you this offer my baby that you always wanted “Come in my heart and live there forever”. You are my first and last love. 
  • I am blessed that in mid of this ordinary life your love has given my life meaning and it has not been less than a fairy tale. Kisses and hugs are what I want to gift you on this Valentine’s Day to express my unconditional love for you.
  • There were many who caught my eye during those days of teenage. But you were the once whose one first sight took away my heart. Let’s cheer and spent some romantic moments alone by escaping to the island of love. Happy Valentine to my better half. 
See also  Birthday Wishes for Lover

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