Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Facebook

Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Facebook

Facebook is one of the most evolving social platforms that are popular around the countries of the world. It is used by a wide variety of people from teens to grandparents, couples to singles it engages all types of audiences. Facebook is like a social search engine that is a whole different world in itself all at one place – entertainment, stories, the marketplace, ads and so much more to learn and enjoy. It allows creating a profile or a page to interact with family and friends offering various features.

Anniversary is a moment to celebrate when two people bond to tie a wedding knot with a promise to be one for years to come. No matter what comes in their way whether it may be a storm of difficulties from an insider or outside the two decides on this big day to face it being one with full faith and love for each other. To celebrate this achievement we have tried to share some lovely wishes that you could post on the timeline of Facebook.

Inspirational Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Facebook

Happy Anniversary to 2 love birds. You both inspire us/me to make a step forward to the unknown world that begins after the marriage.

It’s inspiring how you both have sewed the threads of love in 25 years making this anniversary so special. If someone asks me what is love – I/we can undoubtedly say “see/meet this couple”. Happy Anniversary and best wishes for enjoying this greatest gift of life.

Your marriage is like a successful business venture with which you have built the empire of love and emotions that can inspire the ones who do not believe in marriage.

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I feel so special my sweetheart for the time we have spent together all these years. It’s so inspiring that it has been one more year with each other. Let’s celebrate our anniversary in a special day.

You both are unique in a way – a couple who has never separated. Keep being as inspiring as always giving me/us a chance every year to wish you both Happy Anniversary again and again.

All in One Marriage Anniversary Wishes for Facebook

Your relationship is so enchanting like the day and night that makes a complete day. A perfect example of the love of nature where children’s lives in the grace of your love and care. Happy Marriage Anniversary from your beloved children.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. You both have proved that love exists by concurring wars of bitterness in the odd times. Stay blessed, stay together always.

Happy anniversary to the most charming couple whose story began like a fairy tale – love at first sight.

This thought comes to the mind, unseen magic when I see you a couple – A Lion and a Deer living tied by the knot of love – unimaginable but true. Happy marriage Anniversary.

Cheers, it’s your (1st, 5th, 25th, silver jubilee, golden jubilee, platinum jubilee) Anniversary. It’s unbelievable that you both admire and love each other – a perfectly loving and caring couple.

I wish your love grow like the roots of the tree that gives strengths to stay tall and green in the middle of all storm in this world. Happy wedding anniversary with your old friend.

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Seeing you couples I have learned the art of loving. I want to wish you both from the bottom of my heart a blissful and joyous anniversary.

We congratulate you both on completing one more year of loving married life. May the ship of love explores many more beautiful lands in the years to come

At first, you looked to me as an amateur girlfriend & boyfriend that tied the knot of marriage in adolescents just out of physical attraction. But the time you have spent together make me change my thought. Salute to your relationship – Happy Anniversary to the sweetest couple.

You both have been a perfect couple. Your love story reminds me of famous historic lover’s yin and yang, Romeo and Juliet Lancelot and Guinevere, Cleopatra and Mark Antony, Eden and Eve. I wish your love stays eternal and create a new chapter in the history of our land/city/country. Happy Anniversary

Romantic Wedding Anniversary Message for Husband on Facebook

Hubby it’s our first anniversary and I am so lucky to have you as my better half. This 1 year has flown like seconds because of the love you have given me. Thank for being the perfect partner.

A small anniversary gift for the romantic mate who have strived all these years to make my smallest wish come true. Happy Anniversary to the most beloved husband on this earth.

You the king of my heart and being your queen is a pleasure to have meaning in this life. You are the source of fragrance of the flowers that grow in the garden of my heart. Happy Anniversary my living god.

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My heart sung a song that was incomplete till you came in my life and helped me to fly like an angel to dance on the flute on the tunes of your love. I love you – Happy Anniversary to the best part of my soul.

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